How to present an offer attractively?

  • Marketing

Offer – that’s what you show your customers most often. An offer should highlight your company and present it in an original way. If so, why are most of the offerings similar, reproducible creations?

Offer is one of your company’s most important tools. It helps to communicate the principles of cooperation to the customer and make a purchase decision. Therefore, every company should strive to make its offer unique and attractive in many ways.

In the meantime, most offers are almost exactly the same: boring, ugly documents sent to hundreds of recipients contradict the term interesting offer. So, how can you create an offer that will actually help you in the battle for a new customer?

Based on my knowledge and experience, and after reviewing several hundred offers on websites and mailboxes, I have compiled a short list that will help you to present your business attractively.

Personalize and adjust to the recipient

A good offer is an offer addressed to a specific recipient. The more specific the recipient, the more specific your offer. The more specific the offer, the better the sales results.

Facebook noticed this some time ago. It offers a wide range of ways to target advertising to specific audiences: age, location, material status, education, relationship, interests – these are just some of the variables you can use to make your content even more targeted. The better you know your customer, the more detailed your suggestions are.

What works for individual creations on Facebook also works for large offers. And large offers, especially those published on websites, are rarely personalized.

Just take a look at our current offer on the services pages – if we only built on it, Brave New would have ended up being a trash of a company long ago.

Our general offer (together with the rest of the website) is not for selling, it is intended to build an image and encourage a user to contact: to get the person who wants to create a website to write to us and give us more information about the project. Only then can we (and only then do we want to) prepare a specific offer aimed at encouraging the client to collaborate with our agency.

In preparing this final proposal, we try to get to know the other side as well as possible: their objectives, needs, but also their products, services, history and employees. This is valuable information that allows us to tailor our message even better to the recipient.

Provide precise information

Have you ever waffled at school? It’s happened to me a lot. If I didn’t know a subject well during a history test, I tried to describe what I knew in as many words as possible. I was hoping the teacher would give me a better grade when he saw a wall of text.

That doesn’t work on the Internet.

An offer filled with clichés such as “We rely on customer service” or “Creativity is important” doesn’t impress anyone, and even worse, they don’t add anything interesting to your proposal.

Besides, your customers don’t have time to read graphomaniac sales texts. Respect their time, give them something concrete.

What are these concretes?

Each industry has its own details. This can be a project clearly divided into parts, a description of the different phases of the collaboration, a training program, objectives to be achieved during the collaboration, or the results you have achieved so far.

When creating an offer, remember what you are looking for when you want to buy a product and service. Which offers make the best impression on you?

Well-written content tailored to the recipient is the most important element of the offer.

Stand out – with services or the way of presentation

A cliché that has been repeated countless times by experts of all kinds.

Doesn’t work.

Find the elements that highlight your offer. This can be an exceptional type of presentation, additional services that your competitors do not offer, or an experience that only your company can offer.

The harder your distinguishing feature is to copy, the better it is for your business.

Go for the design

There are industries where long sales lists still work, they look like a narrow wall of text. I hate them. The only reason I went through a few is my professional curiosity or a job I had to do.

But even a text wall can, and should, be prepared in an attractive way.


  • you are an expert who sells under his or her own name
  • there is no significant competition in your market

fine, you can ignore the look of your offer (just like all the other parts of this article), but from our own experience, we know that a visually attractive offer is more encouraging.

Do it differently than anyone else

Browsing offers is similar to browsing a CV: there are many documents that are two-edgedly similar. From time to time there will be a colored document under the black and white cards, but there are only a few extraordinary, remarkable gemstones.

The reproduction of known schemas does not highlight your offer in any way, does not allow you to remember it. Distinctive suggestions are like diamonds: even if you can’t afford them, you will remember their unique shine.

Find your unique way to present your offer and create an easily repeatable template that you can customize to different audiences.

Test, change, improve

Any offer, no matter how good, can be improved. Nothing is forever in this world: the competition flexes their muscles and new players want to cut their own slice of the cake. What is unique today can become basic within a few months. And you can always come up with something that works even better. We have refined the current form of Brave New’s offer over 15 months. At the moment we are satisfied because it brings great results, but we are already thinking about how we can improve some of its elements.

A concrete offer that is visually appealing and also has a touch of uniqueness is what your customers expect and want to see. Such an offer is much more effective and helps you to reach a valuable audience.

The role of your offer that the customer sees for the first time is often served by your website. If you would like your services to be presented in an attractive way, contact us